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The user how to judge the quality of laser cutting machine laser tube?

by:Transon     2021-01-08
The user how to judge the quality of laser cutting machine laser tube? After buying a laser tube found that cutting speed is slow, don't know how to judge the quality of laser tube, laser laser cutting equipment manufacturers today teach you how to quickly determine, testing the quality of the laser tube.

some customers, the material cutting would not wear, don't know what is the reason, may be the lens problems, may be a power problem, may be the problem of laser tube, possibly. 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 There are a lot of possible, which, of good quality difference? Actually tube quality issue is a very good difference, good tube, could see at a glance, can from the few places to see analysis:

1, see color: good tube, its color is purple, if there is a tube of light is white, or tube color is not the same, which, the tube may not power line, generally if it is found that tube color is white, which, the tube may not power.

2, see light: good tube, its light is solid, not hollow spot, if found a hollow spot, or eight spot, which, not good, the power of this tube it can paper, some out of the spot light of light, you can see it.

3, see the bottom of the light spot, can use a thick acrylic board, press and hold the light signals for five seconds, then take down, take a look at the bottom of the light, good tube, it is at the bottom of a sharp, if not good, is a flat, under point of light, it has strength, cutting flat spot, cutting without it.

this is laser technology co. , LTD. Laser cutting equipment manufacturers to sort out how to quickly determine the quality of the laser tube method, hope to be of help!
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