
Metal laser cutting machine bearing quality judgment

by:Transon     2020-10-28
How to determine quality of bearing in metal laser cutting machine? First, the seal is clear when the choose and buy the machine can observe the word brand and label on the bearing body. General font is very small, but formal enterprise products use seal technology, in without heat treatment of words, even if the font is very small, but the font is very clear. And general enterprise products, because of printing technology is bad, font float to the surface, looks very rough. Second, surface if you have any turbid oil stains in choosing a mechanical watch carefully for the bearing, because at present the domestic technology is not very mature, so the bearing made of antirust processing is bad, sometimes there will be a heavy oil stains, in your hands are sticky thick feeling. Imported bearing is better, can hardly see the iron mold. Third, have a sound field to check machine can, left hand holding the bearing body, right hand toggle coat rotation, to hear any noise. A few small enterprises due to the limited production conditions, product manual production, will inevitably be in the production process some uncontrollable factors. This is Dr. Laser light the advantage of such a big company, fully automated production, strict production standards, guarantee the quality of the product. Fourth, chamfering machine is not uniform bearing chamfer is vertical plane and horizontal plane junction, general small plant bearing because of the limitation of technological level in marginal parts of the processing some not so good. Actually do these judgments, can very good choose a suitable for the quality of machine, bearing as part of the metal laser cutting machine, the judgment criteria of a laser cutting machine, when the choose and buy to watch carefully. Actually machine besides wanting to notice when the choose and buy big issues, such as brand, product price and after-sales service, the details of the products is often a factor of manufacturer and machine quality.
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