
Cause Analysis of cutting tool collapse of woodworking engraving machine

by:Transon     2020-04-09
What are the reasons for the cutting tool collapse of the woodworking engraving machine? When the woodworking engraving machine is working, the cutting tool collapse is one of the common faults. Why is the cutting tool collapse? What are the reasons for the cutting tool collapse of woodworking engraving machine? The following is a detailed analysis of Youlai machinery for everyone: the initial wear of woodworking engraving machine tools is mainly abrasive wear, which has the greatest impact on the tools, it is most likely to lead to the phenomenon of cutting tool collapse. The reason for the wear is that the temperature of the tool is low and the optimal cutting temperature is not reached. First of all, it may be because we did not run in the tool and did not let its cutting temperature reach a reasonable temperature. The correct approach is to run in the tool first. The running-in method is to reduce the feed by half while maintaining the rotating speed, and the time is 6-10 minutes. Then, the cutting tool collapse of the woodworking engraving machine is a problem of the machine structure, such as the verticality of the Z axis is not good, and the force on the head is uneven. What are the reasons for the cutting tool collapse of woodworking engraving machine. Finally, the woodworking engraving machine tool is too deep, the feed speed is too fast, or the spindle speed is not fast enough, the quality of the tool is the first reason to consider!
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