
Antifreezing measures of CO2 laser cutting machine

by:Transon     2021-01-08
Winter temperature is too low will cause certain damage to the laser equipment, if use undeserved, may cause the laser equipment inside the core components of the serious damage and irreversible! So, today we'll take a look at our fleet laser cutting machine how to freeze in winter.

laser tube co2 laser tube is near the water, we'd better to control the temperature of 25 degrees or so, because at the time of this temperature energy is strongest.

actually laser tube antifreezing in winter and summer heat is important. In winter, when the laser tube didn't work, didn't put clean pipe water, freezing expansion leads to the laser tube cooling layer, advantageous laser cooling layer, led to the laser tube can not work normally. Frosty winter laser tube cooling layer is not replacement range, in order to avoid unnecessary loss, please follow the right way to do it.

first use a pump or air compressor and other auxiliary equipment will put clean water in the laser tube. Or pump customers use cold water machine, cold water machine or pump can be removed, placed in the interior of the high temperature in order to prevent the freezing water circulation equipment, cold water machine, water pump parts damage bring unnecessary trouble to you.

and it is important to note that don't add too much antifreeze in laser tube, pipe cooling layer will affect the quality of light. For laser tube, the greater the frequency change water frequency to the more frequently. Otherwise, the pure water of calcium, magnesium and other impurities will adhere to the laser tube on the inner wall of influence of the laser energy. So often in water, when not to put clean the water is the most important thing. Cooling water machine for

cold water machine is one of the antifreeze key laser equipment. On a cold winter, many users will think that the weather was cold water temperature will not increase. So tends to be forgotten in water, especially in the winter, because the outside temperature is very low, spindle motor heating is hard to feel.
in addition, can use antifreeze. It usually consists of alcohols and water and requires high boiling point and flash point, specific heat and the conduction ability, low viscosity at low temperature, not easy to blister, no corrosion of metal parts, rubber hose, etc. In laser equipment matching tank, cold water machine can prevent water ice, so as to make the cold water machine can start normal operation in the cold winter.

this is in the winter antifreeze measures about CO2 laser cutting machine, in order to make your own laser equipment to work in the winter can run better, please have a good knowledge of relevant antifreezing users. If dear customers in the use process need to repair or replace the laser equipment accessories, advisory quotation for 500 w laser cutting machine, etc. , please call China laser equipment factory after-sales line: 0769 - 89839999 turn line 1.
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