
Many processing enterprise, can use metal laser marking technology, especially the hardware, jewelry, mould, etc. , so you know what metal laser marking machine is?

by:Transon     2021-01-08
What is it processing advantages? Here, let's profound analysis about metal laser mark process.

metal laser marking machine, which is gathered with high-energy laser beams to remove processing of the surface of the metal part of the materials, so as to realize a symbol of the user's requirements. Like a sharp chisel, a laser beam on the metal surface freely to remove the excess material for sculpture, this is the principle of metal laser marking process.

because the metal is widely used in all walks of life, so to make the market also has a more and more exclusive metal using laser equipment, such as optical fiber laser cutting machine, steel plate laser cutting machine, aluminum cutting machine, etc. , either a metal cutting marking equipment, are representative of the strong laser under the age of science and technology.

so, metal laser play with what advantage? One is that it is out of contact engraving cutting, not a loss or damage on the surface of a metal material, minimum reduce the waste of resources; Second, it is the automation of production machines, don't need a lot of people or experienced technical workers, which reduces the cost; Three is due to the operation of computer programming and high-tech equipment, so its high accuracy, durability is better.

they are scientific and technological progress, a symbol of social development, living standards improve, so the metal laser marking has become an integral part of society.
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